According to most health insurance analysts, healthcare expenditures are on the rise and have been for a number of years. Health insurance premiums are also consequently increasing with rate trends in many states being double digits for the past few years.
The Northeast Tarrant Chamber is offering members another health care coverage alternative to help members mitigate the rising cost of offering health care coverage for employees and also help employers wanting to offer coverage who currently do not.
Why launch T.H.I.S. new program?
The program gives local businesses access to a national Healthcare Insurance solution that is saving money for members of Chambers and Associations throughout the country, while providing great benefits for employees!
Our Mission
To provide a quality, lower cost group medical insurance option to Texas businesses with broad network acceptance.
Who is eligible?
The program is available to all organizations in Texas, their employees and dependents. A membership in the Northeast Tarrant Chamber is mandatory for participation and to maintain coverage.
When and how can I get a quote to compare coverage?
Participants are allowed to start coverage at any 1st of the month, of the year, so now is a great time to get your quick quote! Any companies with two or more employees may apply for group medical insurance through the T.H.I.S. (Tarrant Health Insurance Solutions) program. Spouses working in the same business are considered two employees as well as any other full-time employees. Employees working within a Company may waiver off coverage if they wish to remain on coverage they already have.
To take the next step and obtain a quote, click HERE
According to most health insurance analysts, healthcare expenditures are on the rise and have been for a number of years. Health insurance premiums are also consequently increasing with rate trends in many states being double digits for the past few years.
The Northeast Tarrant Chamber is offering members another health care coverage alternative to help members mitigate the rising cost of offering health care coverage for employees and also help employers wanting to offer coverage who currently do not.
Why launch T.H.I.S. new program?
The program gives local businesses access to a national Healthcare Insurance solution that is saving money for members of Chambers and Associations throughout the country, while providing great benefits for employees!
Our Mission
To provide a quality, lower cost group medical insurance option to Texas businesses with broad network acceptance.
Who is eligible?
The program is available to all organizations in Texas, their employees and dependents. A membership in the Northeast Tarrant Chamber is mandatory for participation and to maintain coverage.
When and how can I get a quote to compare coverage?
Participants are allowed to start coverage at any 1st of the month, of the year, so now is a great time to get your quick quote! Any companies with two or more employees may apply for group medical insurance through the T.H.I.S. (Tarrant Health Insurance Solutions) program. Spouses working in the same business are considered two employees as well as any other full-time employees. Employees working within a Company may waiver off coverage if they wish to remain on coverage they already have.
To take the next step and obtain a quote, click HERE