Serving SAFELYNOVATECH is still servicing all their equipment in the field. Our techs are gloved upon arrival, sanitize the machine before working on it, and sanitize the machine when done. We also use different gloves at each location. We are also meeting “virtually” with anyone that needs to discuss equipment or managed IT services. To help with the current situation, NOVATECH has come out with several deferment programs for current customers renewing their leases and allowing some new customers to defer payments depending on their situation. We are also offering new lease deferment programs for clients that need equipment. NOVATECH is also offering a complimentary look at your cybersecurity and cloud solutions. Call for more information! NOVATECH can help you set up your home office: HERE Contact us for a complete Network Assessment: HERE AuthorNOVATECH |
AuthorMembers of the Northeast Tarrant Chamber Archive |